Reading the Old Testament for All Its Worth

“How To Read The Old Testament For All It Is Worth”
1.Read the Old Testament Expecting to Hear God Speak

2.Read the Old Testament Expecting to See the Beauty
and Glory of God

3.Read the Old Testament Expecting God to Keep His
Practical Ways To Read the Old Testament for All its Worth:
1.Pray Before You Read
• Open Our Ears to Hear Your Words
• Open Our Eyes to See Your Beauty
• Open Our Heart to Trust Your Promises
2.Pray After You Read
• Allow God to Speak Through His Word
• Adore, Confess, Thank, and Supplicate Based Upon Your Reading
of God’s Word
3.Observe How God’s Word is at Work in the Lives of Others
• Take Note When People Make a Decision Based Upon God’s Word
• Observe the Joy that Comes From Trusting God’s Promises
4.Cultivate a Love for God’s Word in the Hearts of Others
• Teach Others the Word of God
• Teach Others to Love the Word of God