Mid Week Prayer at CBC
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
9:15 AM
10:30 AM.
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
12 noon
6:30 PM Stepp's House - ask for directions if interested
Sunday School and Bible Study for all ages starts at 9:15 Sunday mornings in the sanctuary. After shared prayers and hymns, we are dismissed to our classrooms.
ADULTS – Stay in the sanctuary. Classes are led by a rotating group of men teaching from different books of the Bible.
COLLEGE & CAREER – Young adults class lead by Pastor Justin White in his office.
TEENS – Grades 7 through High School. Meet in the kitchen with Deacon Jason Walker.
JUNIORS – Grades 4 through 6 meets in the church office with
Miss Rose.
PRIMARY – Grades K through 3 meets in the back classroom with
Miss Janet.
PRE-PRIMARY – Ages 2 to 5 meet in the nursery with Miss Shellie.
CHARITY 101 – Want to know more about Charity Baptist Church? Thinking about Baptism? This class is presented for new people or by request by Pastor Justin White in his office.
Sunday evenings at 6 PM:
ADVENTURE CLUB – For all children first grade through sixth with Miss Cheryl during the school year.
All other ages attend Bible Study in the sanctuary (held year-round).
Charity Baptist Church is here to help you grow in Christ-likeness so that you can experience the blessings that God intends for you!
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 12:00 pm
Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
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