Exploring Exodus: Chapter 39-40 The Beginning of the Very End of Exodus
The Beginning of the Very End of Exodus
Exodus 39-40 Study Questions
1. Gather it All Together (32-43)
A. Bookends that Pronounce Blessing
B. The Grace that Lays the Groundwork
C. Remembering the Whole Story
II. Set it Apart (1-16)
A. The Timing of the Tabernacle
B. Let it Be Holy
1. In what part of the Exodus story do we find ourselves? (32-33a)
2. What are the bookends of this passage and how do they guide us? (32, 42-43)
3. What lays the groundwork for the obedience and blessing found in Exodus 39?
4. What is the significance of the timing of when the Tabernacle would first be set up? (40:1-8)
5. What must happen to the Tabernacle, the items, and the people before the ministry would begin? (40:9-15)